iHeartRadio site gets the Google+ Sign-In treatment, other platforms "coming soon"

iHeartRadio users are now able to tune into the online radio platform's website via their Google+ account, with other platforms "coming soon", according to the Google+ Developers +page.

+iHeartRadio hasn't made an official announcement of the addition as of yet, but +Google+ Developers gave a nod in a post published earlier today (embed below), congratulating the company for implementing Google+ Sign-In as well as letting users know that implementation of the other platforms (such as iHeart's apps) is coming soon.

The Google+ sign-in button sits next to Facebook's, though new and existing users not wanting to connect to a social account can still log in as normal using their email address and password. If you haven't already checked out iheart.com, now is the perfect time, thanks to that shiny red button some of us have been longing for...

Now that iHeartRadio has a G+ sign-in button, will you be checking it out? Sing us a tune in the comments below!