Link posts now include button to quickly follow associated Google+ Page

As of today, sharing a "link" post of a website linked to a Google+ page will display a button which allows you to add that page to your circles.

Hovering your cursor over said button will bring up that page's hovercard, allowing you to add the page to your circles in one click. Clicking on the button will take you directly to the Google+ page.
A handy button indeed
The button takes the place of the URL of the website on the Google+ post, but I don't think people will miss it that much.

The update (which should be rolling out to everyone today) should hopefully drive more circle adds, in turn raising levels of engagement, but we'll have to wait and see about that one. It definitely adds an incentive for websites, especially news organizations, to create a Google+ page (if they don't already have one) in order to take advantage of this update. Also, if they aren't currently active on Google+ , the increase in followers should drive them to at least give Google's social media network another look.

A small, nifty update... What are your thoughts?

Thanks GPD reader +Sebastien Defrance for the tip!