Google+ & Manchester United partner up to start a new campaign which puts you on the front row

Google UK has teamed up with Manchester United, starting a new campaign which lets a pick of their most passionate fans show their support in the next big match by appearing live on the front row via Hangouts.

The idea is that a select few superfans will be displayed on the pitchside hoardings (where adverts are typically displayed) during a big football match with Manchester United against Liverpool, all powered by Google+ Hangouts.

Although I'm not a fan of football, it is pretty exciting to see Google+ and Hangouts used in innovative ways, especially when it's in the mainstream. The competition involves sharing a public Google+ post "sharing your story", complete with a photo showing how passionate you are about the Manchester United football team and complete with a #mufrontrow hashtag, where the official Manchester United +page will be able to see entries.

Make sure to check out the promotional video that kicked off the campaign below:

Get Involved

The match doesn't kick-off until 16th March so there's plenty of time to show your support before the big game, and it'll only take a couple of minutes to get involved...

Over on the +Manchester United page, a quick-guide that closely resembles the new user Google+ tours will appear, which acts as a 'helper' when entering the competition. If you aren't yet following the page, the guide will prompt you to add them to your circles, before asking you to add a photo and share a public post with the hashtag #mufrontrow.

The first-of-its-kind campaign on Google+ isn't restricted to UK footie fans, the whole world can get in on the action too.

Big Man U fan? Let us know if you've taken part in the competition in the comments section below!