Google+ for Android updated with bug fixes and performance improvements

The Android app for Google+ has been updated to 4.3.1 today bringing fixes, performance tuning but unfortunately, little else.

The release is still welcomed though, and in my brief testing, the app is indeed snappier, specifically when using the search. Search results display a lot faster in today's release than previous iterations, and Locations seems to refresh user locations faster too.

We don't know specifically what has been changed in this minor version bump, and the official changelog doesn't give anything away either:
Those wanting the sleek new link posts to be ported over to the mobile app will be disappointed as there's no sign of them in 4.3.1, but here's hoping the updated layout will make its way over in the next feature release.

As usual, the update is rolling out on Google Play, so it may take a couple of days to roll out to your device, but I doubt you'll be itching to get your hands on it anyway.

If you have spotted something that we've missed, do give us a shout in the comments below!

Source: Google Play