Preview & image selection options added to new Google+ link posts

A much requested feature for the new link posts has finally arrived. On desktop, Google+ users are now able to toggle through the thumbnail images and preview them at full size before posting.

As spotted by the eagle-eyed +Troy Windhorst in our Google+ Updates Community, users are now able to preview how their post will look with the new large images before posting. Also, hovering over the image in the preview calls up a black options bar allowing users to click between the images on the webpage in question or get rid of the image preview altogether.

This works for both the traditional small thumbnails and the new larger ones. Seeing a preview of the images at full size can certainly make a world of difference, so that you can choose the correct photo for your post. However, like other parts of the recent redesigned look of link posts, this ability isn't available for all links that are being shared. There does not seem to be a rhyme or reason for which links don't work.

It’s also worth noting that, while available on Google+ for mobile web, the new link layout still hasn’t made it to the app for Android or iOS. Check back here to be the first to know when the update starts rolling out.

How do you use the new, larger link previews? Share your tips and tricks in the comments section!