Google+ on the desktop gets new look "follow" and "circle" buttons

Just like the Android app, Google+ on the desktop rolled out a new look for its "follow" and "circle" buttons.

The update adds context to the buttons with the addition of new icons, and should make it slightly clearer for new users what action they're taking upon pressing.
When user suggestions appear in the stream in the form of a "You may know" card, you'll see new and more prominent red "add" buttons, just like the ones on the Google+ Android app.
Updated buttons on the "You may know" card
The circle icon has changed to a new + symbol on activity posts
Finally, you'll see new buttons when viewing a profile or page who is or isn't in your circles. If they're in your circles, you'll see a white button with a red circles icon, and if not, you'll see a red "+follow" or "+add" button.
When added to circles
When not added to circles
With this change to the aesthetics of the buttons, the Google+ desktop site and companion app for Android have grown closer and more consistent, even if its only slight. I believe we'll be seeing more updates in the near future which bring the desktop and mobile closer together, as is evident with the design direction of other Google services.

Do you like the idea that Google+ on the desktop and on the mobile apps are converging? We'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments.