Google+ Photos updates - "Recently added" view and clickable photo details

Google+ Photos has received some polish of late, including the addition of a "Recently added" view and clickable camera make and model in photo details.

The most obvious change, added around a week ago saw the addition of a "Recently added" view which is accessible from the drop-down menu from Photos.

This view sorts your collection according to upload date, meaning all the images you've just added will appear first in the results.

Clickable camera details

Clickable photo details

Camera make and model in photo details are now clickable, which take you to other photos took with that camera model or other models by the same manufacturer.

When clicked, two sets of photo results are displayed: Photos took by yourself and photos took by people in your circles with that camera model or make.
To access the feature, click on a photo and hit "Photo details" when in the lightbox.

Not sure how handy this update is to the average joe, but those looking for a new camera will be able to take advantage of the feature, and photographers may find it useful too.

Will you find these recent tweaks to Google+ Photos handy? Let us know in the comments!

Source: Nackblog
Cheers for the tip, +Mark Dodsworth