Google+'s Redesign Rolling Out to the Mobile Apps [APK Download]

Google+'s new UI and refocus on Communities and Collections is now rolling out to users of both the Android and iOS apps.

Tuesday, Google began rolling out a refreshed look to their social media network, and now that update has started being pushed to the mobile apps for both Android and iOS users. The update is coming in the form of a new app version; however, it seems to also take a server side push as well since the update alone isn't always doing the trick.

The redesigned UI on web feels a lot like a mobile app, so it's no surprise that the mobile apps look very similar. The design is much more consistent than it was in the past and actually gives off the feel of a hybrid app. If Google has in-fact utilized hybrid app development for Google+, that should make it easier to keep feature parity across Web, iOS, and Android.

The App Store has been updated with four screenshots in order to promote the features of the new app, and those screenshots represent the refocusing of Google+. As you can see below, Google believes the value it's social network brings is connecting you with your interests through the Stream, Collections, Communities, and Search.
New Google+ iOS app Home Stream
Home Stream
Google+ Collections in the new Google+ iOS app
Google+ Collections
Google+ Communities in the new Google+ app for iOS
Google+ Communities
Google+ Search in the new Google+ app for iOS
Google+ Search
Outside of the update to keep the design consistent with the new Web version of Google+, there's a couple other updates. One that I'm sure all will be excited about is a traditional menu drawer. That update alone is reason enough to celebrate as it makes the app act just like every other Google app and most others as well, and it should increase the usability, especially from infrequent users.
Menu drawer added in new Google+ app
New Menu Drawer
You'll notice that there are fewer options in the menu drawer, and that is because the features Google+ wants to emphasize (Communities and Collections) have been placed in their own more prominent location. At the bottom of the app is a new menu with four options: "Home", "Collections", "Communities", and "Notifications.
Along with this change is another that some may not like. Gone is the number that would tell you how many notifications you have. It has been replaced by a single red dot over the notification bell, Mr. Jingles.

Grab the New Update

The update has started rolling out to users via the Google Play Store and App Store. However, that may not do the trick on it's on since the update seems to be controlled on the server side of things too. In order to force the update, delete the Google+ app data in settings.

If you're on Android and haven't received the update just yet, we have the APK for you. Grab it using the button below.

What do you think of the new app? What do you love or hate about it?