Google+ Local Now Suggests Places to Review

Google+ Local will now prompt you to "Write reviews for recent places", upon clicking on the "Local" tab.

Google+ Local has seen many incremental, but welcome changes as the months have gone by (including yesterdays update that we covered here: In this most recent change to the feature, you will now be reminded to write reviews for places nearby that you may have been to (or passed by) recently. 

More Reasons to Check-In

Places that are listed in this section are based on your Local search history, as well as actual check-ins using Local in the Google Maps application for mobile devices. I wonder if more users will want to check-in when visiting a place; the high-score table on the Google Maps for Android app seems to be attracting users to check-in also. 
Write reviews for recent places
Reminders show based on search and check-in history

Although I haven't written that many reviews in Local, I may feel more inclined to do so now that I am being reminded to do so.

How to Local?

You can use Google+ Local and get reviewing straight away, just hit the "Local" icon on the navigation ribbon to the left, if you're on a mobile or tablet device, you should be able to see the Local icon in your app menu.

Are you an active Local reviewer? If not, will this make you write more do you think?

Thanks for the tip +Gabriel Komarnicki