[Catch Up] - Film Based on Interning at Google, "The Internship" Trailer Debuted Live on a Hangout On Air

Two big Hollywood names, Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson debuted the trailer for their upcoming Googly Summer hit, "The Internship" live in a Hangout On Air hosted by Conan O'Brien on the 13th.

+The Internship is a film about a pair of struggling salesmen, who somehow land an internship at Google, in the hopes of actualy getting a job of it. You know it's going to be great knowing that both Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson are going to be working their comedy magic together in the upcoming film. It's nice to know that they even filmed a portion of the film on-set at Google's Mountain View Googleplex, with sights of driverless cars and Googlers riding their Google branded bikes.

The team behind The Internship are doing a really great job to keep things Google even up to the marketing, just check out the promotional website, with +Google+ widgets as standard. The most most prominent push to market the film would be the much-anticipated live Hangout On Air, where fans would post questions via +Google+ with the #TheInternship hashtag, and if they're lucky they would be answered by the duo on the hangout.

The hangout was aired on the 13th, and if you don't want to watch the whole 30 minutes of it and just want to skip to the good stuff, we've placed the video for you below. No searching needed!


Judging by the trailer, the film looks to be hilarious and although it's reaching out to the mainstream, it looks like there'll be chock-full of references just for us die-hard Google fans too. Check out the trailer below:

Will you be watching The Internship when it rolls out to us this summer? Chime in on the discussion bellow.
Image coutesy of +The Internship