Google+ Notifications Chrome Extension Updated, Helps You Discover +Pages as You Browse The Web

The Google+ Notifications Chrome Extension has recently been updated, now helping you discover Google+ pages as you browse the web.
Once updated, the notification will display a page letting you know of the update. The bullet points on this say:
  • When you visit a site connected to a Google+ page, a slider will appear on the side of the browser window. Hover over the slider to expand it and easily add the page to your circles.
  • The notifications button in your browser will be badged with a "+" to indicate when you're viewing a site connected with a Google+ page. Clicking on the button shows your notifications just like it did before but now it will also display the related Google+ page information and provide a quick way to start following it.
The extension warns that "The URLs of the sites you visit will be sent to Google in order to identify the Google+ profiles and pages linked to those URLs". If you're happy with that, just click the "Activate Google+ page notifications" button to enable the new feature.

All that being said, the feature hasn't appeared to have gone live yet, as we've heard reports in our Google+ Updates community that it is throwing up errors in the javascript log. We'll keep you updated and as soon as it goes live, we'll let you know and provide some screenshots as we get some hands-on time with the feature.

For those who haven't heard or tried about this official extension, it basically puts the notification square into the Chrome toolbar, so you can always be notified even when you don't have a Google+ page open (download link below). For more information on this and the other official Google+ extensions for Chrome, check out our article, "Stay Connected to Google+ With 4 Official Chrome Apps and Extensions".


If you haven't already got the official extension, click the download button below to add it to Chrome.
Thanks to +Vilmar Simson