[How To] Send Google+ Feedback From the Desktop

Sending feedback is a great way to get your voice heard, as the Google+ team reads every submission. Read on as I guide you 
through the process, step by step.

Google reads every piece of feedback submitted, and it helps shape the products we know and love, in this case Google+. Vic Gundotra (a.k.a Mr.Google+) even said it himself how important user feedback is, in our exclusive interview with him last month:

"It’s important for us to deliver an experience that users ultimately want. We listen very carefully to the community’s feedback so that we can deliver features that really improve their experience." - +Vic Gundotra 

Ready to share your feedback? Excellent! The first thing to do would be to access the Google Feedback tool. Thankfully, Google has made accessing and using the feedback tool very straightforward, and is always a keyboard key press away.

Cogwheel Menu

One way to access Google Feedback is to click on the cogwheel menu, which can be found on most, if not all pages, from the stream to profiles, pages and communities.
Look for the cogwheel menu to access "Send feedback"

Keyboard Shortcut

Alternatively, just press the '@' key on your keyboard to go straight to the feedback form, from any page on Google+.

Step 1 - Description

As it says on the form, you can submit anything from problem reports, feature ideas and general comments.
The Google Feedback form
Depending on the type of your feedback, it's usually best to keep the description short and to the point, i.e.  - Don't waffle on. Google most likely get hundreds or thousands a day, so keeping it short and sweet means that the team can deal with your report quicker and more efficiently.

When you're done with your description, just click "Next".

Step 2 - Using the Built-In Screenshot Tools

A picture is worth a thousand words, this is why Google added a built-in screenshot feature
On the next screen, you are offered to highlight parts of the page that is relevant to your feedback. Once complete, a screenshot will be taken, so make sure to use the 'Black out' tool to hide any personal information you do not wish to share.

Step 3 - Review and Submit

On the next page, the feedback tool will let you review the information you are about to submit, allowing you to make any last-minute changes before you send it on its way to Google+ HQ.

Do you regularly submit feedback using the Google Feedback tool? Feel free to share tips with the community either in the comments below or in our Google+ Updates community (just select "Google Plus Daily" as the category).