Quick Tip: Photo Tagging in a Few Clicks

Tagging people in photos can feel like a chore, thankfully Google+ does the hard work for you. With this quick tip, you can tag your friends and family in your photos in just a few clicks!

Firstly, go to your photo albums. Just click on the camera icon in the navigation ribbon (Photos), then click on 'Albums' on the quick bar at the top.

Click on an album of your choosing which you haven't tagged people in your photos yet, if you look above the photos, you'll see a button called 'Tag People' with the number of people available to tag in brackets, click that.
See the tag people button? Click it and prepare to save some serious time
A window will appear which will display all of the faces that Google+ has recognised, these will be categorised by person, and will even recognise which person depending if they're on Google+ and are in your circles. For any people that aren't yet on Google+, you can still tag them by entering their email address.
The mass tagging tool
Once you're finished, just click the blue 'Done tagging' button and Google+ will then notify everyone you have tagged, and will email the people who don't yet have a Google+ account, so they can view the photo album too.

If you want to learn more about getting around and utilizing Google+ Photos, feel free to peruse our Photos How-To.

Do you know of any quick tips? Why not share with the GPD community in the comments?