Google Gains Ground on Facebook in Social Logins

Social Login provider Janrain has released their Q1 2013 report for social login trends across the web, which shows positive figures for Google and negative ones for Facebook.

As you see on the graph below, Facebook has had a sharp and fairly consistent growth in social logins starting from Q4 in 2010, but new data from Janrain suggests that the trend is fading, as usage has gone down quite dramatically from Q3 2012 and into Q1 2013.
Google's growth and Facebook's decline, will the trend continue?
What should be noted is that from Facebook's decline, social logins through Google have gone up radically, and shows no signs of slowing. The two appear to be inversely related: as usage of one increases, usage of the other decreases.

Google+ Sign-In was announced late February this year to very positive reactions across the web, as it puts the end user in more control over their data (granular privacy settings), all whilst giving them a more personalised experience. It wasn't until last week though that both Janrain and Gigya announced integration with Google+ Sign-In across their brands, so we would have to wait another quarter to see if this makes a further impact, which we're guessing it will.

"Google is performing well as the second most favored portable identity provider across each of these verticals, but its popularity is most evident on retail and consumer brand sites, which could perhaps be a reflection of the trust that people place in Google as a secure provider of their online identity." - Michael Olson -Product Marketing Manager, Janrain

If the changes to social login preferences are actually due to increased customer awareness on how companies use their data and how much they trust the companies behind the products they use, the latest quarterly report could be a strong indication of what the landscape of social logins is later on in the year.
Google is gaining ground on Facebook in login preferences this quarter
Although as of now, Facebook gets the lion's share of the pie with 46% of social logins, Google is gaining ground with 34%. I'd say that other services are irrelevant at this point with the third largest share of 7%, which goes to Yahoo! which is still failing to gain any sort of traction in this area. That makes it mainly a two company race at this point. Only time will tell which one will be the ultimate winner.

Are you choosing Google+ Sign-In to register and log in to your favourite services? Let us know in the comments!

Images : Janrain