[Profile Update] New Option Added to "Contributor to" Section, Adds Past and Current Contributor Status

An update to the Links card on profiles lets users add whether they're a past or current contributor to the websites they have listed.

The as-of-yet unannounced update adds a drop-down menu next to the link you're editing on the Links card, with the options of selecting either "Current contributor" or "Past contributor". Upon saving the changes, your profile will show the status in brackets next to each link listed.
Editing the Links card
The "Contributor to" is on profiles for users to add a link between their Google+ profile and the websites they contribute to, and helps verification in the process of setting up Authorship for their profile.
The Links card, showing contributor statuses
We have reached out to Google for more information on the changes made, and will update this post accordingly if we hear anything back. In the mean time, we do not know if or how it will affect search rankings for results with authorship enabled, but we're guessing the new contributor statuses will have some sort of affect.

The changes aren't currently being seen by everyone right now, it could either be rolling out as we speak or is just something Google is currently testing. We'll keep you posted.

If you've spotted anything that we've missed regarding this update, please do reach out to us by contacting "contact@googleplusdaily.com" or select the "Report Update" category if choosing to share via our Google+ Updates community.

Thanks to Google+ Updates community member  +Larry Joe