The Facebook Exodus - Are They Making The Switch?

According to SocialBakers, Facebook is on a steady decline in monthly visitors month by month, with the most significant losses in the US and UK. Where are these users going? Are they making the switch to Google+?

Well, it could be contrary, or people really are embracing Google's social platform. There have been a lot of social services popping up in the last 2 years, from the wildly popular Instagram to the collector's den, i.e Pinterest (which my fiancé happens to love). There is a lot of competition, and it seems that users are finally broadening their horizons, as we know that Twitter finally hit the mainstream after many years.

Or, it could be that Facebook is seeing a decline in usage of 4% (or 6 million) in the US as it is getting old and stale, teenagers definitely agree on this one. And when people start to think that something is old, they flock in the millions, just like with the great MySpace exodus back in 2008.
Facebook losing monthly active users
Facebook Losing Active Users
Looking back at the last 6 months of data from SocialBakers, there's an obvious decrease in active monthly users since January with April being a new low. It's not looking good for Facebook who releases financial numbers tomorrow.

+The Guardian recently asked their readers why they think they are spending less time on Facebook, and it turns out that a lot of people who've commented gave back many reasons, from privacy concerns to in-your-face advertising. 

Here are a couple of reader comments from The Guardian's article, with one of which highlighting Google+'s strengths:

"The mobile app is awful, with unsolicited "suggested posts" that have nothing to do with you or your likes & dislikes. G+ has a better interface & doesn't shove games at you all the time." - Skiamakhos

Friend of Google Plus Daily, +Thomas Morffew also shared his thoughts The Guardian's report:

"I've moved to Google+. Still have a profile here, but barely use it. Reason? G+ is infinitely more usable. Better UI, no ads, integration with other Google products like Drive, YouTube, Gmail, etc." - +Thomas Morffew 

That's the proof, it is absolutely undeniable that Facebook's usage is declining in both monthly visits and average time spent on the website, but do even could-be Plus users even know that there is a better alternative out there? Google are consistently pushing and marketing Google+, from online advertisements to television commercials, touting fresh and innovative features we all know and love such as Hangouts and Instant Upload (as seen below).

Regardless of how much Google pushes the Plus, everyone is probably going to end up using it anyway, as integration is seen everywhere in services from Google Play (recommendations and +1 buttons) to Google Drive (share to Google+, profile photos and hovercards). And let's face it, everyone uses Search, YouTube and Maps, and millions use Android.

In the meantime though, if you'd like to help the mass exodus along, why not show your family, friends and coworkers our very own campaign from back in February, Make The Switch. Just share them the link (, and they can see for themselves what benefits switching to Google+ brings. Make The Switch also contains links to our how-to articles from the basics to getting started with Communities.

If you're still on Facebook, you can Like us over on

What do you think? Do people wanting to leave Facebook think that Google+ is a viable alternative?