Google+ at I/O 2013

Don't panic. Google I/O 2013 is almost here, just two more weeks to go, and the session schedule is now available for your perusal.

The part that gets most people excited about I/O is the first day keynote, where major new products and technologies are announced and we get a glimpse of what's to come from Google later down the line. At last year's, we were greeted with exciting product announcements and upgrades such as Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) and the amazing (but slightly creepy) Google Now, as well as a breath taking demo of Google Glass.

There were also one or two Google+ features too, announced by the one and only +Vic Gundotra. At last year's I/O, we saw the debut of Events as well as radical redesigns of the apps for both Android and iOS which featured a new magazine-style layout and tablet optimisation.

What will we see at I/O 2013 as far as Google+ is concerned? Well that's anyone's guess, but I think that most of the announcements at the 3 hour keynote (wow) will tie in with Google+ in some way, especially the impending Babel announcement, which is a unified messaging solution. I don't think that a stream redesign is out of the question either, with a consistent interface for the desktop, with the mobile clients. It's all speculation, but that is part of the fun.

Session Schedule

You can check out the session schedule for this year's 3 day developer conference, head over to the I/O sessions page to select tracks (Google+, Android, Chrome etc), then click the '+' to add to your sessions. Note that if you see the camera icon, the session will be live streamed for all to view.

The Google+ session track for Day 1
So whatever you're interested in, there'll be a session for you, from fireside chats to learning how to implement Google+ Sign-In effectively.

Want to talk I/O? The +Google Developers page created an official I/O community for I/O and I/O Extended attendees (and enthusiasts). There's also a special community just for I/O Extended organizers. So join up and get chatting!

We should be seeing an official Google I/O 2013 Android app soon, which makes it easy to work your way around the conference (if you're going) and live streaming sessions (for those who can't). In the mean time, hang tight and speculate in the comments below!