Remote Desktop & Ability to Call 5 Telephones Added to Google+ Hangouts

Hangouts has been better connecting people since the launch of Google+ and the Hangouts team made that even better today by adding Hangouts Remote Desktop and the ability to call up to 5 telephones.

Google+ Hangouts Remote Desktop
Google+ Hangouts Remote Desktop

Using the same technology as Google Chrome Remote Desktop, the Hangouts team has added the ability to remotely connect to another person's computer with their permission via Hangouts. To use it, simply click "View More Apps" then "Add Apps" and finally "Hangouts Remote Access." 
Google+ Hangouts Remote Desktop
Request for Remote Access Notification
The other participant will receive a notification that you are requesting remote access, and they'll need to accept it. 
Google+ Hangouts Remote Desktop
Click "end" to revoke remote access.
They can also revoke remote access at any time by clicking the "end" button that appears at the top of the screen.

Google+ Hangouts Telephone Call
Call up to 5 telephones via Google+ Hangouts
After making improvements to the phone calling interface in the last couple months, the Google+ Hangouts team is now allowing users to add up to 5 other users to join a Hangout via telephone instead of the mobile app or desktop versions of Hangouts. Previously, users were capped at only having 2 users in a Hangout via telephone at once. 

This is great for when someone doesn't have Internet or data, but want to join a Hangout with everyone else. It also makes it easier to hangout with those that haven't made the switch to Google+.

These are two nice updates being made 2 weeks before Google I/O 2013. Do you think we'll see any updates to Hangouts at I/O? Let us know in the comments below!

Sources: Daniel Caiafa anJordanna Chord