Google+ mobile website updated with a better looking stream, profiles and more

The mobile website for Google+ has finally gotten some love. With improvements to profiles and the addition of cards in the stream, Google+ mobile site users will appreciate the update.

For starters, the stream has improved both in terms of looks and functionality. Cards are displayed in the stream with full-bleed photos, bigger +1 and share buttons as well as being able to view formatting such as bold, italic and strike through. The background on the stream is grey, being consistent with the new look Google+ that desktop web users have been enjoying the past week.
The new stream design
Profiles are massively improved, with a layout that matches the Google+ mobile apps. There are three tabs to switch from, which are "About", "Posts" and "Photos".

There are other changes such as improvements to photos and search, and the fact that the site now utilises the real screen estate on your mobile device by scaling up/down accordingly is a step in the right direction. Previously, the layout would be fixed, and it did not result in a pleasant mobile web experience.
Better looking profiles are now part of the mobile site
The team working on the mobile website of Google+ still hasn't got around to adding any other core features that the desktop web and mobile apps have been available for many months, such as Local and Communities; but it may not be in the teams plans anyway. If the goal is to provide a very quick, low bandwidth and simple Google+ experience for those who can't enjoy the benefits of the mobile apps, then they're doing a great job.

Show me the changelog

Here's the official, fairly brief changelog, found on the announcement post:
  • Posts now appear as “cards” in the stream, making it easier to read, +1 and re-share them.
  • We've also redesigned the Profile and Page experiences to include cover photos, larger tap targets, and much more.
It's great to see the mobile website being improved upon, but we definitely recommend you download the Android or iOS app if you can.

Do you use the Google+ mobile website? Like the changes?