Minor Updates to Google+ Photos

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After giving users new cover photos earlier this week, the Google+ Photos team gives users a few minor changes that should make managing photo albums and individual photos easier.

Based on feedback from Google+ users, the +Google+ Photos team is has made three minor improvements to make managing photos faster and easier.

A New "Move" Option

Move Google+ Photos
Added ability to move photos between albums
The Google+ Photos team has added the ability to move photos between albums quickly. Simply select the photos you want to move and then click the "Move" option. A new window will appear with the different album options you can move the photos to along with the option to move them to a new album.

A New "Download" Option

New options for Google+ Photos
Accompanying the new "Move" option is a brand-new "Download" option. After selecting a few photos, simply click "Download" to quickly save multiple pictures to your computer.

Faster Photo Uploading

In addition to making downloading easier, the Google+ Photos team has made uploading photos faster too. Now, when you're uploading a large set of photos from your desktop computer, your photos will upload faster thanks to a few small changes.

Which update to Google+ Photos is your favorite? Let us know in the comments below!

Source: Jon Emerson