"Hide Highlighted Posts" is a Chrome extension which does what it says on the tin

A Chrome extension has been developed to hide a rather controversial feature recently introduced to Google+: Activity updates in the home stream.

The recently introduced activity updates feature has recently been introduced to the desktop web and mobile, and has been controversial with a percentage of users. Why is it controversial? Users have been comparing it to how Facebook's "Like" button works; When a user "Likes" something, it will show up in other people's newsfeeds. Users who aren't happy at the change are complaining that it is just spam that is clogging up their home streams, though I find it really useful, personally.. Google+ does however give more control over the highlighted posts feature, allowing you to limit the reach of your activity updates to select circles, or nobody at all.
A simple, lightweight extension which requires just one permission
If you're not a fan of the highlighted posts, than this handy Chrome extension is for you, and the download link is below. Created by consultant and telecommunications engineer, +Halfdan Reschat's "Hide Highlighted Posts" extension simply hides the highlighted posts (duh!) from your home stream using a simple web script. The Chrome extension requires minimal permissions to install (access data on plus.google.com) and works upon a refresh of the browser, but closing and reopening is recommended.

As of writing, "Hide Highlighted Posts" already has just over a whopping 900 +1's and was released to the Chrome Web Store only 2 days ago, July 10th. Reschat's other extensions are also based on tweaking the Google+ experience in little ways, such as hiding muted posts and installing the Hula Hoops+ extension, well, I'll leave that as a surprise.


Hit the button below to take you directly to the Chrome Web Store where you can install the extension in one click or two:

What are your thoughts on the highlighted posts? Let us know why you're a fan (or not) in the comments below!