The Google+ Photos team is offering G+ Photos merchandise for the best Google+ Profile Cover Photos.
The +Google+ Photos team has announced a new promotion for snap-happy Google+ users who upload high quality photographs to Google+. Google+ Photos-branded Gift Bags will be awarded to users who share cover photos to the Google+ Photos team, the best cover photo will be selected each week as the Cover Photo of the Week. The gift bag consists of a t-shirt, stickers and a camera strap!
Initially, Google+ will be sending out these gift bags out to everyone who they've selected for the Google+ Photos Cover Photo of the Week previously. Each week, Google+ will continue to send out gift bags to selected users who share cover photos to the Google+ Photos page.
Finally, these Google+ Photos gift bags will be given to "photowalk leaders" in the coming weeks, news on what this entitles is still to be announced.
Image Source: +Google+ Photos