Google+ profiles enjoy a facelift, cover photos now won't take up entire screen

A minor visual refresh is rolling out to Google+ cover photos on the desktop today, bringing a fresh and refined look.

Cover photos on Google+ have been touched upon by the Google+ team every now and again, with each "improvement" making the cover photo bigger. Now, it seems that they're bucking the trend and reducing the size whilst retaining the same 16x9 ratio. Now that's a-okay with me as I've never really enjoyed the overly large cover photos which were introduced in the last update to cover photos in February.
The new Google+ cover photo design is less cluttered and more refined
The information usually found spread across the bottom of the cover photo (name, work, location) has been grouped together and thrown aside to the left, resembling the Google+ hovercard seen when hovering the cursor on a profile or page. The background is now blurred where the profile/page information is, and it looks rather pretty.

Another change to the profile made today involves the profile tabs. They've been moved from the top (above the cover photo) to below the cover photo, which does make sense. The map displayed when hovering the cursor over the location of the person on a profile/page also looks a lot sharper and cleaner. Better late than never, am I right?

We love today's improvements, but what do you think? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!