One-click email button removed from profiles, leaves just "Message" and Hangouts

The one-click email button found on profiles (those who have it enabled) has gone, with no sign of coming back.

The associated setting has also disappeared, leaving just the option to enable one-click messaging, which is just a quick way to make a private message with that person using the usual sharebox tool. Of course, the Hangouts button remains by default, which will most likely end up being the only quick-access button on profile sooner rather than later. Recently, Google removed both the email and message button on hovercards, again leaving only Hangouts.
As you can see, the "Allow people to send you an email from your profile" option is gone
Despite the removal of the email button, you can still access a user's email information (if their privacy settings allow) in the "About" tab of their profile as normal.

I personally find this a step in the right direction, I always did think that having 3 ways to message someone is a bit silly, and confusing for the end user who just wants to send a message, not wanting to worry about which method.

I'm happy, but what do you think of this move? Let me know in the comments!