+Post Ads announced, new Google advertising format for brands utilizing Google+

+Post Ads has been announced by Google, allowing brands to take a piece of their Google+ content and turn it into a display ad on millions of websites through Google Display Network.

The new format is in testing with several big brands including +Toyota USA and +Cadbury UK, who've recently been taking advantage of their content already published on their respective pages, and packaging it in a fully interactive display advertisement on websites.

By Google+ content, this means Hangouts, photos, videos and more. Audiences can interact with the +Post ad in the ways that are typically found within Google+, including +1'ing and commenting, allowing an easy way to engage with brands.

"These conversations create a valuable community around a brand where people can talk with each other and with the brand itself." - +Eran Arkin 

+Post ads can be targeted based on demographic information, the context of the website, affinity segments, and more. The ads are not limited only to desktop either: they can appear on mobile websites for users on smartphones and tablets. The pricing for the ads is very favorable for advertisers as they are only charged when someone engages with the brand's content.

The companies testing this exciting and social new format are already seeing very positive results, with 50% higher expansion rates than the industry average on rich media ads. To find out how Toyota USA is utilizing +Post ads to drive considering for their newly launched car model, check out the video below:

Businesses can find out more information on the new product and sign up for the beta by visiting the +Post ads website.

The official announcement was (fittingly) published on Google+, and we've embedded it below:

Users can expect to see an increase in highly rich and engaging content from brands on Google+ popping up around the web when the product is launched publicly to businesses.

What are your thoughts on the newly launched +Post ads? Let us know in the comments below!