2 new features added to +Post Ads: Hangouts and Ad Blitz voting

Just a couple of months after launch, +Post Ads gains 2 new features: Live Hangouts and Ad Blitz Voting.

+Post Ads is a relatively new format for advertising across the web, utilising content shared on Google+, including posts, photos, videos, and more. When we first reported on the private beta tested product, Google had partnered with several big brands including +Toyota USA and +Cadbury UK.

Live Hangouts

Today it has been announced that +The White House had partnered with them, utilising +Post Ads to raise awareness of Barack Obama's live Hangout road trip and streaming the Hangout On Air, straight from the interactive advert.
Streaming Obama's interview live from a +Post Ad displayed on a webpage

Ad Blitz Voting

Other partners such as +Wonderful Pistachios & +American Family Insurance tested +Post Ads to allow Super Bowl fans to vote on commercials in YouTube Ad Blitz, giving brands more exposure and driving more social engagement.
Audi USA using +Post Ads for Ad Blitz voting
On +Eider Oliveira's announcement post (embedded below), we're promised more updates as partners are continuing to test +Post Ads for their campaigns.

It's a very exciting time to see brands from around the world using what they share on their Google+ pages and spreading the word about their campaigns to those who are on Google+ and more importantly, those who aren't.

Further reading: +Post Ads announced, new Google advertising format for brands utilizing Google+

Have you encountered +Post Ads whilst browsing the web yet? If so, let us know your thoughts on this new, social ad format.

Images: +Eider Oliveira and Google