[Video] #MakeItHappen with Google+ Collections

There's a new ad for Google+, with Collections under the spotlight.

There's no information or screencaps of Google+ Collections shown in the video, rather focusing on what users can get out of the new scrapbooking feature. By watching, we're made to believe that someone was inspired to try out AcroYoga (first time I've heard of it also) after seeing a collection about it.

Collections was only launched just over a week ago, but you can already find plenty of original and creative content. A good example of this is Legolife, I recommend hitting the Follow button on that one. Google+, I think has done a terrific job of curating top content like this via suggestions in the stream and on the Featured page, and just like the message in the ad, Collections is a good starting point to find inspiration and #MakeItHappen.

Check out the video:

Have you been inspired by Google+ Collections? Let us know some of your favourites!

Source: YouTube