Chromebook Pixel Shipping With G+ Integrated Photos App

Google unveiled a brand new and very premium Chromebook yesterday, and they're calling it the Pixel. The thing that interests us though is that it is shipping with a Google+ integrated photos application on board.

The +Google Chrome team have collaborated with the +Google+ Photos team, releasing a photos app built from the ground up, to ship with the sleek and sexy Chromebook Pixel.
When inserting an SD card, the Pixel will automatically start uploading the photos in their full resolution to Google+. Before it does that though, it selects the best photos to upload, avoiding the ones that are out of focus and/or have bad exposure.

Although we can't provide you with screenshots yet, +Engadget reports that Google+ is heavily integrated into the user interface of the app, giving users the ability to +1 and comment from within.

Purchasers of the Pixel will receive 1 terabyte of +Google Drive storage, which isn't too shabby. You can find out more and purchase the Chromebook Pixel over on +Google Play here, if you've got the cash for it.

Of course, we'll keep you in-the-loop when we get our hands on the app for ourselves (the app will be available on other Chromebooks soon) so watch this space, or alternatively, just drag us into your notification circle.
Source: Engadget
Photos courtesy of Google Play