Hangouts API Hits Version 1.4

Yesterday, version 1.4 of the Hangouts API for developers was announced with notable improvements, including enabling apps to determine age restrictions, control over who is displayed in a Hangout On Air broadcast and more.

Googler, Matthew Nichols announced the changes in his post with the highlights of the recent release:
Today we’re launching v1.4 of the Hangouts API! With this release, Hangout apps can now (for example):

- Control who’s displayed in the local user’s default video feed
- Let broadcasters decide who’s displayed in a Hangout On Air
- Get locale information for participants in a Hangout
- Determine whether a Hangout is restricted to users that are 18+ years old

The full list of API changes in v1.4 is available in the release notes: They're already live in the developer sandbox and in public Hangouts so you can start building right away!
As stated, you can view the full release notes here. So what're you waiting for developers? Get building!