[Major Update] New Profile and Page Experience

A new profile and page experience is rolling out, bringing new tabs, bigger cover photos and lots more.

Google Plus Profile and Pages Update

Googler, +Sara McKinley has just announced a major update to profiles and pages that is rolling out as we speak. In her post, she highlights the new features:
"We spend lots of time listening to your feedback, and today we're launching some profile and page updates that you've been asking for. These include:
- A new tab for your Local reviews. In addition to your photos, +1's and YouTube videos, there's now a place for all your Local reviews. Highlight your favorite restaurants, or hide the tab completely via settings -- it's completely up to you.
- An easier way to edit your info. The 'About' tab now consists of separate cards (like Story, Places, and Links) -- each with its own prominent edit link. As always: you can share specific fields with specific circles, or keep them just for you.
- Bigger cover photos, with a better aspect ratio. Cover photos are much larger than before (up to 2120px by 1192px), and they display in 16x9 when fully expanded. This way more images can be used as cover photos, and there’s more room for your selection to shine.
Everything's rolling out gradually, so check back soon if you don't see it yet."
It's a lot to take in, so let's break it down...

New 'Reviews' Tab

The all-new 'Reviews' tab
The brand new 'Reviews' tab replaces the Reviews link that was previously in the 'About' section of your profile. The change makes it easier to share with the world your reviews of your favourite restaurants, coffee houses and more.

The new tab is filled with colourful widgets which aggregate information on your reviews. As you can see in the screenshot above, there is a Map widget which displays placemarks of the places around the world that you've reviewed. This should hopefully attract more Google+ users to write more reviews for Google+ Local.

Refreshed 'About' Tab

'About' gets a colourful makeover
I always did (secretly) think that profiles were bland. Thankfully, that all changes today with a bright and bold new profile user interface which puts your information into the forefront, how it should be. We've noticed with our brief hands-on that it is much easier to skim and read through the information now that everything is laid out into seperate sections.

Bigger and Better Cover Photos

Making your profile more personal to you
Watch out, your cover photos are going to get bigger. Along with the improvements, your basic information will blend in with your cover photo to make users' Google+ experience even more personal.

Although the new update makes the cover photo more like Facebook's design, the basic information is over the top of the picture reminiscent of Twitter's header photos. Profile pictures are now circular like it has been for a while in the stream, similar to how they are displayed on the Google+ for Android and iOS apps.

Patience is a virtue...

The improvements are currently rolling out now, and everyone should have it by the end of the day. To check to see if you have it now, just go to http://plus.google.com/me

What do you think of the new profile and page experience? Let us know either in our Google+ post or in the comments below!
Screenshots courtesy of +Sara McKinley