Developer Ports Google+ Comments to WordPress 1 Week After Release for Blogger

An open source developer has successfully ported the Google+ comments system for Blogger and packaged it into a plugin for WordPress users.

+Brandon Holtsclaw announced yesterday that work had finished on the plugin, which brings the one week old Google+ comments system (for Blogger) to WordPress blogs. Although the system isn't optimised for WordPress, it appears that blog owners are having little to no issues running the plugin.

Google+ Comments allows people to comment (publicly or privately) on website posts using their Google+ identity, and can also share the comment and link to the content, which is optional of course. Another benefit of the comments system is that users and blog owners can see all the conversations about the content all in one place.

Google+ Comments is currently only officially supported for Blogger blogs as of now, but with the rate that Google+ is growing and developing, hopefully an official plugin for WordPress isn't too far into the future.


If you're a WordPress blog owner and would itching to try out Google+ Comments for yourself now, just download using the link below, unzip it in your WordPress directory and activate it as you normally would. Brandon is looking for early feedback so please do add a comment on his post here, as he'll be working on any issues reported.

If you're a WordPress blog owner, will you be trying it out on your blog? Sound off in the (Google+) comments ! 