[HOA] Google+ Comments for Blogger, Your Questions Answered

The Blogger team had a HOA (Hangout On Air) earlier on today, talking about the benefits of Google+ Comments for your Blogger blog and answers to frequently asked questions.

Google+ Comments for Blogger was announced a week ago, but some are still deciding whether or not to opt-in. If you're wanting to know a little more information on the latest Google+ addition for Blogger before getting your feet wet as well as some questions answered, this helpful Hangout On Air will be right up your street.

Googlers +Yonatan Zunger (Chief Architect, Google+) and +Dan Peterson (Product Manager) both worked on the delightful Google+ Comments feature, their knowledge and insight makes for an interesting watch whether you've already enabled it (like us) or not.

Make sure you've circled the +Blogger team for the latest product announcements, hangouts and plenty more.

Have you enabled Google+ Comments for your blog yet? Why or why not? Let us know!