Some users are being asked for their thoughts on Google+

"How satisfied are you with Google+?" is the question that is currently making the rounds for some users of the Google+ app for Android.

The one-tap survey currently displaying in some users streams claims that the answers sent back to the Googleplex will "help make Google+ even better" even though the list of answers to choose from are rather generic. The choices range from "Very satisfied" to "Very dissatisfied", and when you select the desired response, you can go back to change your answer in case you change your mind.

Of course, if you're one of those selected to take part in the survey (only Android users for now), you can opt-out by hitting the "Dismiss survey" at the bottom of the card.

It would have been nice to have a box there in case you wanted to give some written feedback about our favourite social site on-the-go, but you can always use the feedback tool for more detailed thoughts and comments.
We'll take a leaf from Google's book and ask: How satisfied are you with Google+?

Source: yznn Garandel