Google+ 4.6 for Android brings more Material UI polish

Google+ 4.6 for Android started rolling out on Friday, bringing with it a new, flat icon and plenty of UI design tweaks.

No new features debut in this version bump but several design changes have been made to tone-down the icons in the menu by removing colour, and brightening up the red bar at the top. When firing up the app after updating, you'll notice that the FAB (Floating Action Button) or "New post" button has gotten a splash of red paint to match the rest of the interface.

Other tweaks here and there have been been made to be more in-line with Google's latest and greatest design standard - Material Design. One of the most noticeable additions is the visually refreshed Google+ Photos interface. Just slide out the menu and you'll see the icon transform into a back arrow complete with a sweet little animation. Expect more goodies like these to come in future versions of the app and Google's other products.
The lighter colour palette for Google+ is more pleasing to the eye
The menu icons are now monochrome, and it looks much better for it
Aside from all the visual polish, app performance has been improved, most noticeably when opening the app,  and the stream seems to load a lot quicker (or it could just be me) also.

As of posting, no official release notes has been uploaded to the Play Store so there could be some updates we've missed. And as usual, the update is currently rolling out to users over the course of the week, so check back in a couple of days or so if you can't mash that "update" button just yet.

Favourite update in this release? Let us know in the comments!