Google+ 5.4 for Android Rolls Out with only Minor UI Changes

Version 5.4 of the Google+ app for Android is rolling out with tweaks to the user interface of posts and the stream.

Google+ updates seem to be trickling in more frequently these days, with Google+ 5.3 for Android only rolling out just over two weeks ago. In the previous version, aesthetic changes to Communities was the focus. In the freshly released 5.4, the posts and stream have received a slew of changes.

We posted a few days ago of a minor change to the desktop web - Community posts in the stream are now green. This now applies to the Android app as of 5.4, and looks pretty sweet.
Communities are in green text on posts
Instead of displaying a post's activity underneath in text, it is now accessible via the "View activity" link. As always, you can still see how many +1s, comments and shares a post has next to their respective buttons. The result of this change is a less-cluttered, cleaner looking post.

You can now see who a post has been shared with, next to the poster's name whereas before it was underneath. If you're viewing a post in a community by an owner or moderator, the status will be displayed next to their name with where it has been shared to underneath.
A cleaner look for post headers
You can view a posts activity and who it was shared with underneath the post
Pinned posts and +1 recommendations in the stream look understated in this release, with smaller text and the removal of people's avatars.

Okay, so there's nothing really too exciting in this release apart from the minor updates talked about above, but it all adds to an overall cleaner and more enjoyable experience. Expect to see other little tweaks here and there in the app which we didn't talk about as well as the standard bug fixes and probable performance improvements.

Google+ 5.4 is rolling out over the next week or so on Google Play. But let us know what you think if you're one of the lucky few to have received the good stuff today.