Automatic Hashtags are Retiring

Users are reporting the removal of the automatic hashtag feature introduced way back in May 2013, but is it gone for good?

The "automagic" hashtagging feature was launched alongside a completely redesigned Google+ interface at Google I/O 2013, but it looks like it is retiring in the name of a simpler, less-cluttered experience.

The automatic hashtag system would scan your post when you hit the share button and add a couple of related #hashtags to your post, improving discoverability and similar posts. The automatically-assigned hashtags were neatly tucked away into a list in the top-right corner of a post. It was pretty neat, but I always wondered how many people utilised the feature to view other content.
We liked it, but we're not missing it (yet)
Upon reading reports from users contacting us, we created a quick poll on our +page which we've embedded below. It appears the mass majority of readers aren't seeing the feature any longer.

With the latest Google+ update for Android, the feature is not present there either, at least for me. That said, the setting is still accessible from Google+ Settings as of publishing.

Just a quick note: Hashtags are still a thing and will most likely always will be. You can add hashtags manually as you always have done, it's just the auto-picker that is going away.

Will you miss the hashtag picker? We'd love to hear your thoughts!